Small resolutions for 2020

I have a lot coming up in 2020, so I don’t want to make any major resolutions. But I do see a few obvious, relatively simple places for improvement in the new year:

  • Use social media better. I’ve cut back quite a bit, but Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn each have benefits. I want to put them to good use.
  • Listen to more variety in music. I’ve expanded my taste in movies significantly in the last couple of years and want to nurture my musical taste as well.
  • Read fewer articles, more books.
  • More intense workouts. I’ve been coasting on light-to-moderate walking and jogging, and I’d like to push myself more. HIIT and strength training are in my mind currently.

This is all in addition to continuing to the next steps in my career and skills growth.

Happy New Year, friends!